Sunday, 29 July 2012

Iftar with big family a year ago...

30 Ramadhan last yr (if im not mistaken, its a year already, but the sure is d day before Eid)

Seluruh keluarga dari utara ke selatan pulang ke timur (Kelantan) untuk beraya...we ody decided to wore same colors this yr..Yea its gonna be Turqoise Blue...

The days b4 eid we got our iftar at our aunt's house at Bukit Cina... All the dishes made are super yummylicious even we saw it a year are they...***meleleh tgk wooo***

Kerabu (ulam-ulam)

 Yeah. the main course is Nasi Kerabu... :D:D:D

eat wif 

kuah tumis
telur masin

solok lada

ayam goreng berempah

Sangat menyelerakan...

And the side dishes are ...


kuih kebangsaan kelantan..AKOK

special popia..all the way from utara

Pulut Sekaya (versi atas coklat)

Puding Caramel

After finished all the yummilicious dishes, we all went to wakaf Che yeh to help our uncle at their booth...heehee tolong la sangat kan,,smentara nk jmpa booth tu krotg tawaf 1 wakaf che yeh dah..and at last sampai our kind uncle treat us again for drink and temankan die berbuka puasa..kesiankan kitorang masak macam2 tp terlupa nk tapaw kt dia..hehee..Maaf Zahir Batin P.Cu..**peace**

di pagi raya

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